Many cat owners describe the relationship with their cat in anthropomorphic terms like child or best friend. Attributing such human social roles to cats might influence the interpretation of cat behavior and communicative cues. Over 1800 Dutch cat owners filled out an online survey concerning the relationship with, and behavior
Animals in Animal-Assisted Services: Are They Volunteers or Professionals?
Animal welfare is a growing concern in Animal-Assisted Services. Although studies have been conducted on stress signals and—to a lesser extent—positive emotions, no research has yet been conducted on the motivation of the integrated animal, to the best of our knowledge. Not all therapy animals are trained to assist. Are
Chinese concern for animals increased significantly after COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in devastating consequences for human health and social stability, not merely China but in the world as a whole, and been the catalyst for a greater scrutiny of animal welfare standards. By comparing current data with data of 2015 we measured the impacts of COVID-19
Multi-cultural perspectives towards the use of animals in medical research
Many people regard animal-based medical research as justifiable because of medical and social benefits that may come from it, yet little evidence is available to support this view. According to the 3Rs (replacement, refinement, and reduction) seeking alternatives that both minimize adverse effects on and improve the welfare of experimental
Conflicts between wolves and humans are unnecessary
AnimalWise and the Institute for Coexistence with Wildlife explore the interactions between wolves and humans in The Netherlands. Conflicts with wolves arise because wolves kill farm animals, especially sheep, or approach humans. It is expected that young wolves learn from their parent pack (PP) what their prey is and if
Animals Are Running Away From Us
Our relationship with the natural environment and animals has changed dramatically over time. In this documentary, Pim Martens discusses past patterns and future pathways with representatives of various indigenous cultures and religious beliefs. Learning from them about our relationship with animals may be a way we can begin to address
Together in an Ever-Changing World
An online course: register here! We understand your desire to make changes for people, animals, and the planet Like you, we care about our home, planet Earth. About the wellbeing of people and animals and the conservation of species, and we know the challenges of balancing all these goals. We
New weekend course on Human-Animal Relationships
6-7 March 2021 (Weekend Course) (1 ECTS) Register here. Though we live with them, eat them, love them, and wear them, we give very little academic attention to the roles of animals in society. The underlying theme of the course will be re-evaluating our understandings of animals and gauging the
Meer pootjes aan het bed
Dat dieren een positieve invloed kunnen hebben op de stemming en gezondheid van mensen is in verschillende onderzoeken aangetoond. Momenteel worden dier-ondersteunde programma’s steeds vaker gebruikt in de gezondheidszorg, met name in revalidatieprogramma’s voor patiënten met een breed scala aan problemen. Ook in steeds meer ziekenhuizen worden dier-ondersteunde activiteiten en
Seminar: Animals in the Anthropocene
Much of the discussion on the Anthropocene has centred upon anthropogenic global warming and climate change and the urgency of political and social responses to this problem. However, assessing the effects of human activity on the planet requires more than just the quantification of ecological impacts. It requires recognising and