An online course: register here! We understand your desire to make changes for people, animals, and the planet Like you, we care about our home, planet Earth. About the wellbeing of people and animals and the conservation of species, and we know the challenges of balancing all these goals. We
New weekend course on Human-Animal Relationships
6-7 March 2021 (Weekend Course) (1 ECTS) Register here. Though we live with them, eat them, love them, and wear them, we give very little academic attention to the roles of animals in society. The underlying theme of the course will be re-evaluating our understandings of animals and gauging the
Do pets have emotions? Their owners say:”Yes!”
Presentation of Pim Martens at the seminar ‘Happiness” It is difficult to determine whether animals experience emotions in the same way as humans. It is not always clear what an animal feels, and you can easily be wrong in judging the nature and strength of their feelings. Yet in everyday life
Report Emotions Pets
A report describing the results of a Dutch questionnaire regarding the emotions of pets is online available. Het rapport van het onderzoek naar de emoties van honden en katten staat online. Meer dan 1000 ingevulde enquêtes werden geretourneerd. Alhoewel uit de gehele wereld afkomstig (de enquête was zowel in het Nederlands als